Twitter was created five years ago, as a microblogging website where you could published entries with your comments, called tweets and follow people whose tweets you find interesting. This platform has gained popularity because it's been used by famous people, and almost the majority of them have an account, from politicians as the President of the United States, Barack Obama to actors and singers like Lady Gaga, who was the most followed in 2010. Last year there were about 25 billion of sent tweets, what gives us an idea of the magnitude of this site.
Facebook and Tuenti are more similar, in the fact that both of them have the same structure, giving the chance to a real time communication, through the "online chat" and where you can share photos with your contacts, leave comments and messages and also create events. The major impediment of Tuenti is that it is only used in Spain, whereas Facebook is worldwide provided, so it is impossible to compare them with the same conditions, however, it's true that in this country the number of users of these social networks are very similar, (what worries Facebook) but with differences within each country ( for example in Cataluña most of the teenagers used Facebook) There's no better way of showing the growth of these social sites that giving some numbers. Talking about Facebook, in only one year, he have 350 million more users than the previous year, having in 2010 the amazing number of 600 million of people, but the Spanish social network goes in the same direction, if he have 5,1 million people using its servicies, in 2010 he had more than 6 million. The power of these tools are incalculables.

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